Thursday, October 29, 2009

Rob Rob and Bunny's Movie Review: Year One

Rob Rob: (one panda thumb up, one panda thumb down)
While the basic premise was kind of weak, but the film was actually better than I thought it would be. I object to the use of solely western Judeo-Christain-centric characters in the film (one would have liked to see Buddha or Confucius step in at the end and kick some ass), but all-in-all it was okay.

Bunny: (one ear up, one ear down)
Eh, what can I say? It was kind of stupid, but had a few funny moments. If you expected it to be anything more than that, you are kind of stupid, too. Michael Cera and Jack Black play tribal versions of Michael Cera and Jack Black. There are some girls that are too hot for them that they end up hooking up with, and Jack Black inexplicably beats up a bunch of large armed guards at the end of the movie. Basically it makes very little sense but is worth watching once for a chuckle.

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