Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Congratulations to my pal Evgeni Malkin for winning the accuracy shooting competition at the NHL All Star Game Skills Competition, this past weekend!! Click here for the video.

Bunny and I flew to Montreal (after we finished up with the Steelers) on Saturday to watch the skills competition on Saturday night, after which we took a red eye back to Philadelphia. Rob picked us up at Philly airport late Saturday night. Bunny gets really annoyed at the pretentious stuck-up French Canadians. He tried to buy some weed off of a guy who would only speak French, who kept acting like he didn't understand Bunny, but then Bunny whipped out his retractable baton just to scare him a little, and the guy was like "Please don't hurt me!!" and Bunny was like, "Oh, so now you speak pretty good English, don't you bitch?" Thank Buddha I have diplomatic immunity in Canada, too, or else we might have been arrested if someone would have seen that.

Even so, we still should have stayed in Montreal for the game, where Malkin scored a wicked goal from between his legs (click for video).

In other news, Karla returned from Canada. It is nice to have her back. I thoroughly scented her before she went away so that no other pandas would try to claim her as their own, and it must have worked, because I didn't smell any other panda scents on her when she got back.

Bunny and I have been doing a lot of traveling lately, and it's kind of catching up to me. The lack of availability of quality bamboo (for me) and quality hash (for Bunny) on the road is terrible. Mike Tomlin offered to fly us down to Tampa, but I think it is better if we stay in Philadelphia and watch the game here. After all, we've done all of the work we can do, and now it's up to the players. It is the players work that got them where they are, and now it is their work that has to bring home the championship. Bunny and I can only facilitate their efforts.

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